MALTA FUTSAL LEAGUE | Swieqi 5-3 Tarxien

We got another three points last night against a team with aspirations similar to ours – breaking the duopoly of Valletta and Luxol – with a 5-3 win from 3-1 down against a team coached by former national coach Kevin Mifsud.

I knew it would be the toughest game of the season so far and that was true when we found ourselves 2-0 down – the first time we’d trailed and it would be a test of character to come back.

Maxi Navarro for Swieqi United. 2 games, 2 goals.

We passed that test and a goal right after their second from Maxi Navarro gave us the boost we needed. 

I asked the boys for patience and confidence. We can always score 2 in the last minutes, but any more and we’re up against it so it’s important not to panic and stay in the game.

It didn’t take until the last minutes to rescue the game as we got back on level terms with around 7 minutes on the clock but then we had to ensure we stayed solid and confident that the goal will come. And it did – two goals from Chris Cardona wrapped up the three points in the last 4 minutes.

I’m happy with how we played – pressing and trying to keep the ball and we created a lot. Tarxien played “ugly” in that they sat deep, countered and waited for set plays. I say ugly, but if done well, it’s beautiful and a good game plan plays to your team’s strengths. I never felt like we were under pressure though and it almost gave us a false sense of security and when we didn’t get the goal, it became a difficult situation.

Well done boys and on to the next one in just over 2 weeks. See the full fixture list here: Malta Futsal League Fixtures.

Captain Dusan and Bobo

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